4 Dandys in London

 Charles Rupert Tsua, Ray Frensham und Mark Davids bei Beau Brummell in London

Am vergangenen Wochenende besuchten die drei Gentlemen Charles Rupert Tsua, Ray Frensham und Mark Davids das Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. Anschließend statteten sie dem Denkmal für den Ur-Dandy Beau Brummell in der Jermyn Street einen Besuch ab. 

Last weekend the three gentlemen Charles Rupert Tsua, Ray Frensham and Mark Davids visited the Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. After that they went to the fist dandy Beau Brummell in Jermyn Street.

Ray Frenshams Blog: http://rayfrenshamworld.blogspot.com/

Mark Davids Seite: http://www.thetruegentleman.nl/

 Photo: © Mark Davids. All rights reserved. 

2 Kommentare

    • Ray Frensham auf 14. Juni 2010 bei 21:53

    Many thanks Matthias, I am glad you enjoyed it. This is actually Mark Davids' photo (taken by Barbara Balak). I am sure he will be OK about it.

    And for what it's worth, this is how we dress normally most of the time anyway.

    • Mark Davids auf 15. Juni 2010 bei 05:08

    Yes i am very ok, and feel proud you posted it about us and yes this are normale closes dally, but Matthias know this already. Thank for posting and till next time.

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